Will a person holding Indian citizenship be treated as a resident in India for the purpose of charging Income-tax?

Category: FAQs on Provisions useful for non-residents

​The Finance Act, 2020 has introduced new section 6(1A)​ to the Income-tax Act, 1961. The new provision provides that an Indian citizen shall be deemed to be resident in India only if his total income, other than income from foreign sources, exceeds Rs. 15 lakhs during the previous year. For this provision, income from foreign sources means income which accrues or arises outside India (except income derived from a business controlled in or a profession set up in India).

However, such individual shall be deemed to be Indian resident only when he is not liable to tax in any country or jurisdiction by reason of his domicile or residence or any other criteria of similar nature.

Thus, from Assessment Year 2021-22, an Indian Citizen earning total income in excess of Rs. 15 lakhs (other than from foreign sources) shall be deemed to be resident in India if he is not liable to pay tax in any country. ​

“Liable to tax” in relation to a person and with reference to a country means that there is an income-tax liability on such person under the law of that country for the time being in force. It shall include a person who has subsequently been exempted from such liability under the law of that country.

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