Archives: FAQs

Is a senior citizen exempts from filing Income-tax return (ITR)?

Income-tax Act, 1961 provides no exemption to senior citizen or very senior citizen from filing of return of income. However, to provide relief to the senior citizens (whose age is 75 years or more) and to reduce the compliance burden on them, the Finance Act, 2021, has inserted a new section 194P. This provision requires a […]

What is the penalty for not getting the accounts audited as required by section 44AB?

​According to section 271B, if any person who is required to comply with section 44AB fails to get his accounts audited in respect of any year or years as required under section 44AB or furnish such report as required under  section 44AB​, the Assessing Officer may impose a penalty. The penalty shall be lower of the following amounts: (a) 0.5% of the […]

What is the due date by which a taxpayer should get his accounts audited?

A person covered by section 44AB should get his accounts audited and should obtain the audit report on or before 30th September of the relevant assessment year, e.g., Tax audit report for the financial year 2022-23 corresponding to the assessment year 2023-24 should be obtained on or before 30th September, 2023. ​The tax audit report is to […]

What are Form Nos. 3CA/3CB and 3CD?

​​​​​The report of the tax audit conducted by the chartered accountant is to be ​furnished in the prescribed form. The form prescribed for audit report in respect of audit conducted under section 44AB​ is Form No. 3CB and the prescribed particulars are to be reported in Form No. 3CD. In case of persons covered under previous FAQ, i.e., who are required […]

What is the objective of tax audit?

One of the objectives of tax audit is to ascertain/derive/report the requirements of Form Nos. 3CA/3CB and 3CD. Apart from reporting requirements of Form Nos. 3CA/3CB and 3CD, a proper audit for tax purposes would ensure that the books of account and other records are properly maintained, that they truly reflect the income of the taxpayer and claims for deduction […]

What is tax audit?

​​​​​The dictionary meaning of the term “audit” is check, review, inspection, etc. There are various types of audits prescribed under different laws like company law requires a company audit, cost accounting law requires a cost audit, etc. The Income-tax Law requires the taxpayer to get the audit of the accounts of his business/profession from the […]

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