It preserves the expression of ideas like artistic work. Artistic work involves work related to books, paintings, music, and computer Programme. Copyright protection benefits in excluding others from using the work.
Trademark preserves any word, symbol, a design that recognizes business and differentiates the brand from others.
The patent guards the invention of the inventor and provides an exclusive right to the inventor over his/her invention and it also eliminates others from using the invention.
Novel works of authorship like books, articles, songs, photographs, paintings, choreography, sound recordings, motion pictures, etc.
Any word, logo, symbol, mark, phrase that differentiates goods of one party from another.
Features of shape, configuration, pattern, and ornament, the form of lines, color or blend thereof applied to each article.
Indian Copyright Act, 1957
Requirements of Registration
The work must be original, creative, and must be able of fixing in the tangible form.
The marks need to be unique.
The design needs to be original and must be referred to the article by any industrial process.
Others are not permitted to copy the work without the permission of the creator.
Stop others from using the same logo/symbol.
Stop others from using the invention without the permission
The validity time in copyright is 60 years.
The validity time in the trademark is 10 years.
The validity time in the patent is 20 years.
The right to control the reproduction, creating of copied works, distribution, and public performance and shows of the copyrighted works.
Rights to apply the mark and stop any 3rd person from using the deceptively same mark.
Right to stop others from producing, selling using, or importing the patented invention.