GST Notices

GST Notices

Choose Us for Simplified GST Notice Solutions

GST Notices service in Delhi-NCR

Miraculous Taxes stands out as the trusted partner to guide you through the complexities of GST compliance. We make GST registration and GSTR filing effortless, actively reducing the risk of receiving unwelcome GST notices. If you do receive any notices, there’s no need to worry.

Our dedicated team of GST experts will handle the situation with precision and expertise. They will craft and submit a comprehensive, compliant response to any GST notices on your behalf, ensuring your business maintains good standing with minimal disruption.

With Miraculous Taxes, you don’t just get a service provider; you get a committed partner dedicated to safeguarding your business’s compliance and success.

Get in touch with Miraculous Taxes to Resolve your case

Common Reasons For GST Notices


Liable but has failed to obtain GST registration


Differences in Input Tax credit claims made in GSTR-3B vis-a-vis GSTR-2A.


Non-payment of GST liability/short-payment of the tax with or without the intent to defraud


Information return required to be furnished before tax authorities, but not submitted within the time limit stipulated. 


Mismatch in details reported between GSTR-1 & GSTR-3B.


GST Refund wrongly claimed with or without the intent to defraud.


Inconsistent declaration in GSTR-1 and e-way bill portal.


Anti-Profiteering-Non-Reduction of prices due to reduced GST Rates.

How are GST Notices sent by the Department?

As per the CGST Act Section 169, there is a define set of modes for communication of GST notices. Any other means of communication of GST notices will not consider valid under the GST laws. Furthermore, there are different modes for communicating GST notices are:

  • Hand-delivery either directly or by courier to the taxpayer or his/her representative.
  • Registered post, speed post, or courier with acknowledgement. In addition, it addressed to the taxpayer’s last known place of business.
  • E-mailing to taxpayer’s authentic e-mail address.
  • Making the notice available on the GST portal after login is made.
  • Publishing in regional newspaper and circulating in the taxpayer’s locality. Moreover, it as per taxpayer’s last known address of residence).
  • Affixing the notice in some prominent place at the taxpayer’s last known address of business or residence GST authorities do not find it reasonable, a copy of the notice. Moreover, it may be affix on the notice board of the office of the recognise officer/authority.

Notes: In case the taxpayer receives a notice from any other modes of communication. Furthermore, apart from the ones regularly notify by the GST law as discuss above, he or she is not require to act on the notice.


Reply to GST Notices

For effective replies, Miraculous experts are here to guide you through the process, ensuring your response is comprehensive and compliant.

To navigate the process of responding to GST notices efficiently, follow these essential steps:

Review the Notice:

Carefully read the GST notice to understand the issue or discrepancy highlighted by the tax authorities.

Gather Documentation:

Collect all relevant documents, records, and evidence that pertain to the matter raised in the notice.

Access the GST Portal:

Log in to the GST portal to prepare your response. Ensure you have the necessary login credentials and access rights.

Use Digital/E-Signature:

Authenticate your submission with your digital signature or e-signature, as authorised.

Clear Dues:

If the notice involves tax or interest dues, ensure these are paid according to the specified procedure before responding.

Submit Your Response:

File your reply on the GST portal, attaching all necessary documentation and evidence to support your case.

Keep Records:

Maintain a detailed record of all communications, submissions, and payments related to the GST notice for future reference.

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