Direct Tax : Not that typical

direct tax also known as income tax

Direct Tax, also known as Income Tax

Many times, I have seen students asking about the Direct Tax (DT) preparation [Direct tax, also known as Income tax], i.e., how to study, what to study, etc. and it seems that students sometimes, find this subject typical and tough.

First of all, let me clear that Direct tax law is not a burden. Rather, it’s one of the most interesting subjects in the CA course.

So, here I am providing some points that will help the students to plan their preparation in a better way:

  1. Which book to refer?

Study from the book that suits you. It’s not correct to follow others. The main thing is to understand the language of law. So, it may be any Direct tax law book you are comfortable with

direct tax dr girish ahuja's book

(like, I used Girish Ahuja sir’s book because I was comfortable with that book). The provisions should be clear in your mind.

For practical problems, the Practice manual of the Institute is the best option available.

For case laws, the case laws issued by the ICAI relevant for the particular exam should be referred.  Also, solve RTP (Revision Test Papers) before exam.

  1. What to study?

At CA Intermediate level, the basic concepts and heads of income constitute the major part. So, prepare the heads thoroughly and read case laws. At this level, you should try to understand the language of law.

At CA Final level, whole income tax is covered. Since, you have already understood heads of income earlier, so, just a revision of heads is required. The assessment procedure part and case laws constitute the major part here. Both of these things are required to be prepared thoroughly at this level. And, don’t forget to prepare amendments.

  1. What’s important?

There is nothing called important or unimportant in CA exams. So, you can’t skip any topic completely. A question may be asked from any topic and then you can’t blame the Institute (ICAI). The past years’ marks distribution can certainly provide you an idea of the marking pattern, but that doesn’t mean the same pattern will be followed in every attempt. Therefore, it’s necessary to cover the maximum portion during preparation.

  1. Whether DT class required?

If you can understand the language of law, i.e., you can understand the provisions, then self study is the best thing you can do. At CA Intermediate level, the language may not be clear. So, students may opt for class.

But, at CA final level, I think, It’s not required. Self study is sufficient for proper preparation of DT.

  1. Whether summary book sufficient?

No. — If you are studying DT for the first time or if you have not read DT earlier in detail.

Yes. — If you are well versed in DT provisions and you just require a revision.

The summary book does not contain the summary of all the provisions. It only covers summary of some main provisions. So, it’s not advisable to completely rely on it.

Note: Never leave small topics. They can fetch you more marks. Start your preparation from small topics. You will never lose interest in the subject. In fact, divide bigger topics also in small sections and after completing one section of a bigger topic, move to a small topic. You will feel the satisfaction of completing more topics easily. Try to understand the provisions, read with interest and you will start enjoying the subject.

All the best. Thanks…

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