Author: CA Saba Naaz


Shrinkflation simply means “Less Quantity in Same Price”. It is a hidden form of inflation. It is a practice of reducing the size of the product (or package downsizing or package shrinking) while maintaining the same price as it was earlier. One of the main reasons of adopting this practice is that the consumers generally […]

Thinking makes the Difference ! – CA Saba Naaz

Thinking Makes The Difference ! – CA Saba Naaz Hi friends, THINKING, controls our Mind. Yes, it’s true. Our actions depend on our mindset. The whole body is in the control of our mind. To begin with, let us consider an example: You prepare for your CA exams. Your mindset is positive. You have just […]

Small Mistakes That A Student Makes During CA Exam Preparation

Small Mistakes That A Student Makes During CA Exam Preparation Hi friends, Have you ever noticed that sometimes, even after you prepare well for the CA exam. You are unable to answer your question paper exactly the way you want to? Yes, you must have faced this situation. Here, I am mentioning some of the […]

Attract Your CA Degree !

Attract Your CA Degree – By CA Saba Naaz Hi friends ! All students pursuing CA have a goal in their mind. They want the prefix CA in front of their name as soon as possible. They work hard, study day and night, just because they want to be called a Chartered Accountant and fulfill […]

KYC (Know Your Customer or Know Your Client)

Know Your Customer: Standards or guidelines used by investment companies or financial services companies to verify the identity, risk profile and financial position of their customers/ clients. It is a legal requirement as per Anti-Money Laundering Laws and can prevent financial fraud by tracking suspicious activities of customer/ client. In India, KYC guidelines are set […]

Tables for Memorandum of Association (MOA)

Tables for Memorandum of Association (MOA) as per Schedule I of the Companies Act, 2013 TABLE TYPE OF COMPANY A Memorandum of Association of a company limited by shares B Memorandum of Association of a company limited by guarantee and not having share capital C Memorandum of Association of a company limited by guarantee and […]

Tables for Articles of Association (AOA)

Tables for Articles of Association (AOA) as per Schedule I of the Companies Act, 2013 TABLE TYPE OF COMPANY F Articles of Association of a company limited by shares G Articles of Association of a company limited by guarantee and having share capital H Articles of Association of a company limited by guarantee and not […]

Some General Principles Of Interpretation Of GST Law

General Principles of Interpretation of GST Law  Principles of Interpretation Of GST Law:. The Parliament has overriding power in GST The Act prevails over Rules Illustrations under a provision can’t modify the law Explanation under a provision can’t expand the scope of provision To cure defects in law, the Parliament can make law retrospectively GST […]

How to study effectively for CA Exams?

Hello friends, Being a CA student is not easy. You need to study hard to pass the CA exams. But, sometimes you fail to study effectively. You fail to concentrate on your studies. DON’T WORRY… I am here with 8 tips that will surely help you study effectively for the CA exams: Set Small Targets– […]

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