FAQ Category: FAQs on Computation of Tax

What is marginal relief and how it is computed?

The concept of marginal relief is designed to provide relaxation from levy of surcharge to a taxpayer where the total income exceeds marginally above Rs. 50 lakh, Rs. 1 crore, Rs. 2 crore, Rs. 5 crore or Rs. 10 crore, as the case may be. Thus, while computing surcharge, in case of taxpayers (i.e. Individuals/HUF/AOP/BOI/artificial […]

What is surcharge and how it is computed?

Surcharge is an additional tax levied on the amount of income-tax. In case of individuals/HUF/AOP/BOI/artificial juridical person, surcharge is levied @ 10% on the amount of income-tax where the total income of the taxpayer exceeds Rs. 50 lakh but doesn’t exceeds Rs. 1 crore. Surcharge is levied @ 15% of income-tax where the total income […]

How to round off the tax liability?

​​​​​​​​​As per section 288B​, tax payable by the taxpayer or tax refundable to the taxpayer shall be rounded off to the nearest multiple of ten, following points should be kept in mind while rounding off the tax : First any part of rupee consisting of any paisa should be ignored. After ignoring paisa, if such amount […]

How to compute the total tax liability?

​​​​​After ascertaining the total income, i.e., income liable to tax, the next step is to compute the tax liability for the year. Tax liability is to be computed by applying the rates prescribed in this regard. Following table will help in understanding the manner of computation of the total tax liability of the taxpayer.   Computation of total […]

How to round off total income before computing tax liability?

​​​​​​​​As per section 288A​​, total income computed in accordance with the provisions of the Income-tax Law, shall be rounded off to the nearest multiple of ten. Following points should be kept in mind while rounding off the total income: First any part of rupee consisting of any paisa should be ignored. After ignoring paisa, if such […]

When do I have to pay the taxes on my income?

​​​​​The taxes on income can be finalized only on the completion of the previous year. However, to enable a regular flow of funds and for easing the process of collection of taxes, Income-tax Act has provisions for payment of taxes in advance during the year of earning itself or before completion of previous year. It is also known […]

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